This past weekend my friend, Margaret, & I headed to Portland for the Creating Keepsakes Scrapbooking Convention. I LOVE conventions like this & I remember how happy I was after moving to the Pacific Northwest to find that people in this part of the US were crafters too. lol
We arrived on Thursday, checked into our hotel, & then headed to the convention center. We volunteered from 4-7PM at the registration desk. For about 2 hours it was s-l-o-w and then everyone showed up at once. Eeekkk! Stress!
Then we got back up early on Friday to do it all again! This time we volunteered at the Door Prize booth. Handing out prizes to folks is much more fun that dealing with registration issues. lol As a perk of this "job," we got into the exhibit hall before it was open to anyone else and we managed to plan our shopping ahead of time.
This year was particularly busy at the convention. It was crowded, but everyone was so happy to be there so most attendees were polite and friendly despite long lines.
We took a quick nap back at the hotel before going back Friday night for the crop. I actually completed EIGHT pages! I've never finished that many in one night. In the past, I usually only get one page done because I'm too busy talking & snacking & shopping. I'm so proud of me. lol
I had a great time & can't wait to do it all again next year!